Three Friends + Two Continents = One Trio
an experiment in trans-Atlantic music making from the heart
(it's more fun than we expected)
(it's more fun than we expected)
Upcoming Concerts
'Just a brief note to say how absolutely wonderful you all were last night!! The music was incredibly beautiful. Thank you so much for coming to the library.' (A. S. Jan. 2017) |
Want to collaborate?
We are interested in collaborating with other artists, musicians or not...
We welcome your score submissions. In general, fall and spring are the best times for us to read new works and design programs but if you have something you’d like us to take a look at, please do not hesitate to send us your piece. We are particularly interested in material from Austria, Romania, USA and Sweden but will consider anything else as well. We also want to do our part in promoting the works of under-represented composers such as women and minorities. If you have a project, please let us know. |